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Seyva Solutions Inc. Website Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 31, 2022


This privacy policy outlines what happens to personal information collected by Seyva Solutions Inc., how it is used and how you can find out what information we (Seyva Solutions Inc.) holds about you and how to update your information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this website. 




This website is hosted by Wix. We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, password, communications); payment details (including credit card information), comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile.


We, through Wix have access to the information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you, including:


  • Name

  • Street & Billing Address

  • Phone Number

  • Email

  • Employer

  • Credit Card, Checking Account, or PayPal information

  • Demographic and other information provided by you that does not reveal your specific identity, or information that has been aggregated in a manner that it no longer reveals your specific identity


We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. Any information collected on this website will not be shared with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, or aggregated as part of our marketing efforts. 


We may contact you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our organization, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail.


We do share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person.

Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about events, news updates or related information, or changes to this privacy policy.


How do we collect information?  When you conduct a transaction on our website, as part of the process, we collect personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated in this policy only.


Why do you collect such personal information? We collect such Non-personal and Personal Information for the following purposes:


  • To provide and operate the Services;

  • To provide our Users with ongoing customer assistance and technical support;

  • To be able to contact our Visitors and Users with general or personalized service-related notices and promotional messages;

  • To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services; 

  • To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.




Seyva Solutions Inc. website is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to display our information, sell our products and services to you, and collect donations. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.  

All direct payment gateways offered by and used by our organization adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.

Having accurate information about you permits us to provide you with a smooth, efficient, and customized experience. Specifically, we may use information collected about you via the Site [or our mobile application] to:


  • Administer sweepstakes, promotions, and contests.

  • Assist law enforcement and respond to subpoena.

  • Compile anonymous statistical data and analysis for use internally or with third parties.

  • Create and manage your account.

  • Deliver targeted advertising, newsletters, and other information regarding promotions and the Site [and our mobile application is applicable] to you.

  • Email you regarding your account or order.

  • Enable user-to-user communications.

  • Fulfill and manage purchases, orders, payments, and other transactions related to the Site [and our mobile application].

  • Generate a personal profile about you to make future visits to the Site [and our mobile application if applicable] more personalized.

  • Increase the efficiency and operation of the Site [and our mobile application].

  • Monitor and analyze usage and trends to improve your experience with the Site [and our mobile application if applicable].

  • Notify you of updates to the Site [and our mobile application if applicable].

  • Offer new products, services, [mobile applications,] and/or recommendations to you.

  • Perform other business activities as needed.

  • Prevent fraudulent transactions, monitor against theft, and protect against criminal activity.

  • Process payments and refunds.

  • Request feedback and contact you about your use of the Site [and our mobile application].

  • Resolve disputes and troubleshoot problems.

  • Respond to product and customer service requests.

  • Send you a newsletter.

  • Solicit support for the Site [and our mobile application if applicable].

  • Among others determined by law.




This web site may contain links to third-party websites and applications of interest, including advertisements and external services, that are not affiliated with us. Once you have used these links to leave the Site [or our mobile application], any information you provide to these third parties is not covered by this Privacy Policy, and we cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of your information.


It's important to note that third-party services, such as Google Analytics or other applications offered through the Wix App Market, placing cookies or utilizing other tracking technologies through Wix´s services, may have their own policies regarding how they collect and store information. As these are external services, such practices are not covered by the Wix Privacy Policy.


Click here to view which cookies are stored on your site visitors' computer. 


Data From Social Networks. User information from social networking sites, such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, including your name, your social network username, location, gender, birth date, email address, profile picture, and public data for contacts, if you connect your account to such social networks. If you are using our mobile application, this information may also include the contact information of anyone you invite to use and/or join our mobile application.


Google Analytics. This website uses Google Analytics. This data may be used to inform future advertising campaigns or other marketing content.


Website visitors can learn about Google’s practices by going to, or you may choose to opt out of these Google Analytics Advertising Features using opt-out tools such as:




This website uses font files from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To properly display this site to you, servers where the font files are stored may receive personal information about you, including:


  • Information about your browser, network, or device

  • Your IP address




We share aggregated demographic information with our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person. 




Users of this website may be asked to complete registration forms for actions such as charitable donations, email sign up or contact forms.  During registration, a user is required to give certain information (such as name and email address). To complete these forms, you might be asked to provide other additional contact and financial information (like credit card number, expiration date). This information is used for billing purposes in processing donations or other applicable. If we have trouble processing a donation, we’ll use this information to contact you.

Information collected in these forms is securely stored in our third-party CRM database.




You have the right to Opt-Out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following by finding the unsubscribe option at the end of our email communications or at any time by contacting us at


You can email us anytime with any questions regarding our privacy Policy including what data we have about you, request a change/correction to any data we have about you or express any concern you have about our use of your data.




We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. 


Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way, using the protocols of our payment provider. While we have taken reasonable steps to secure the personal information you provide to us, please be aware that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse. Any information disclosed online is vulnerable to interception and misuse by unauthorized parties. Therefore, we cannot guarantee complete security if you provide personal information.




Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), California residents have certain rights related to their personal information collected by and on behalf of a business subject to the law. Students also have certain privacy rights under U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


FERPA Privacy Rights. FERPA provides students with privacy rights and protection for educational personally identifiable information collected and processed on behalf of educational institutions receiving government funding from the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA provides students with rights to obtain from these educational institutions access to their educational records, as well as correction and amendment of their educational records, even though the CCPA does not apply to non-profit and public educational institutions.


CCPA Right to Know. California residents may request a business to disclose the following information about the business’ collection and use of their personal information over the past twelve (12) months, provided that such requests are made no more than twice within a twelve (12) month period:


  • The categories of personal information collected;

  • The categories of sources for the personal information collected;

  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting, and, if applicable, selling, personal information;

  • The specific pieces of personal information collected;

  • If the personal information has been disclosed, the categories of personal information disclosed and the categories of third parties receiving the personal information;

  • If the personal information has been sold, the categories of personal information sold and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold.


CCPA Right to Deletion. California residents may request a business to delete the personal information that the business collected and has been retained by the business or its service providers. This right is limited, and the business may deny a deletion request if it is necessary for the business or a service provider to maintain the personal information in order to:


  • Complete the transaction for which the personal information was collected, provide a good or service requested by the individual, or reasonably anticipated within the context of a business’ ongoing business relationship with the individual, or otherwise perform a contract between the business and the individual.

  • Detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or prosecute those responsible for that activity;

  • Debug to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;

  • Exercise free speech ensure the right of another individual to exercise his or her right of free speech, or exercise another right provided for by law.

  • Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act pursuant to Chapter 3.6 (commencing with Section 1546) of Title 12 of Part 2 of the Penal Code;

  • Engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest, where the businesses’ deletion of the information is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of such research, if the individual has provided informed consent;

  • Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with the expectations of the individual based on the individual’s relationship with the business;

  • Comply with a legal obligation;

  • Otherwise use the individual’s personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the purpose for which the individual provided the information.


CCPA Right to No Sale of Personal Information. A California resident has the right to opt-out of the sale of their Personal Information by a business subject to the CCPA. In addition, a business subject to the CCPA must have affirmative authorization in order to sell the Personal Information of a California resident who it knows is under the age of 16. Seyva Solutions Inc. does not sell Personal Information, except to the extent that third party advertising cookies are ultimately determined to be a “sale” under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Additional information is available in our Cookies Policy, including information about how to manage or block these cookies. We neither engage in targeted advertising to individuals who we know are under the age of 16 nor sell their personal information without affirmative authorization.


CCPA Right to Non-Discrimination. A business subject to the CCPA may not discriminate against a California resident for exercising any of their CCPA privacy rights.

Right to Know and Right to Deletion requests: Beginning January 1, 2020, California residents may submit a Right to Know and Right to Deletion request to Seyva Solutions Inc. by using our contact form or emailing us to




Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time and all updates will be posted on this page, under the heading of “New Privacy Updates”. If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately at or visit the Contact Us page of our website.

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